Guest blog post by Eugenia Rosa
When there’s no room for your imagining: A memo for Artists, Entrepreneurs, Creatives & Career-Changers alike.
More and more we are finding ourselves caught up in the busy-ness of our jobs, running our businesses and being companies-of-one.
It’s an exciting time to be exploring the possibilities of solopreneuring in a world made instant, connected, borderless through the technology of the internet.
The only downside to this is that the blue-sky of opportunities for growing and succeeding in your business can seem to keep you on a treadmill of trends and strategy implementation.
So what happens to the big vision for our work and projects, in times of compression, exponential digital evolution, and socio-cultural chaos?

Perhaps like me, you find that what was once a carefully nurtured passion, is now stretched and made to fit a mould for a sustainable and profitable business.
Alternatively, where new work and project concepts were once abundant and easy to manifest, you are finding inspiration and ideas harder to come by.
Challenges like these are great. Why? They are invitations to make change and get clearer on the solution and therefore the direction and process you need to take.
Not many of us have the resources needed for out-sourcing the admin, the promotion, events and retail aspects of our work. Or equally to hire a mentor or coach to give us the tailored-to-us answer and 10-step plan to solving these pain-points. And so quickly the freedom of our self-employment can be weighed down the realities of building and sustaining momentum in our work.
Commonly we take a common-sense solutions approach to “make it all work” by focusing more and more on what is logical, direction-led and often ‘masculine’ in feel. And it’s very easy to get bogged down in the panic of all this doing, planning and delivering. After all, that’s where we’re lead to believe true professional success lies.
Because of this, it’s common to observe that the once plentiful and fertile passion we cultivated and held close to us (before we made it public and our job) is now more like an old stone, water well, increasingly drawn dry, with dwindling chance to replenish itself…
What might be possible if you could create a new way to engage in the big vision of your artistry, business or career trajectory. What is finding intentional time and filling it with purposeful questions could lead you to the heart of your desires and creative potential BUT ALSO keep you accountable to action and outcomes in your work and projects?
It is possible to find a way that offers you the impetus and focus, whilst honouring your true creative spirit and ambition.
You are welcome to explore your innate creativity in community with the Artist’s Way Women’s Circle. This 13 week journey is an invitation for an exciting adventure with your inner artist, maker or imagineer, based on Julia Cameron’s acclaimed book of the same name. Led by Eugenia Rosa - a Writer, Artist, Embodied Womanhood Mentor and impassioned encourager of play and curiosity - you will experience a joyful, honest and heart-centred facilitation, which allows space for the unfolding and shared wisdom of the circle.
Tuesdays, 6.30pm-8.30pm

Eugenia is a Creatix, Women’s Embodiment Mentor and Teacher, and impassioned encourager of curiosity and play. With formal education and training in various practices within the Embodied Arts (theatre and fashion design, music, education, and bodywork), Eugenia’s work and practice is grounded in a whole-of-self approach. In this way, working with Eugenia is an invitation to explore the fullness of our beings through creating, and allowing change and challenge to awaken and reveal the woman within. To support such transformation she has become devotional about her daily creative expression, ritual and mindful-intimacy practices which she has found to stoke her artistic fire with possibility and freedom.
Through her website, she shares her reflections and learning by offering tools, practices, and pathways for women to (re)connect and (re)ignite their passion, purpose and self-empowerment.